Extractions and Wisdom Teeth

Extractions of teeth and removal of wisdom teeth are among the most commonly performed surgical procedures in the world. Extractions can range from the very simple to the extremely complicated, i.e. deeply impacted third molar (wisdom tooth). Frequently the surgery involves elevation of a flap and sectioning of the teeth and performing necessary minor bone removal. The procedure can be done either under local anesthetic or by utilizing intravenous sedation (please see in-office anesthesia).

Panoramic x-ray film below demonstrates a typical set of impacted 3rd molars in 22 year-old patient

Frequently the roots of the 3rd molars (wisdom teeth) are found in close proximity to mandibular nerve. Mandibular nerve provides sensation for the portion of the lower lip, cheek, chin, teeth and gums. In our office we have a state of the art Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CT) machine, which allows us clearly visualize the anatomic relationship between the roots of the 3rd molars and the mandibular nerve and plan the surgery accordingly.